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Home > PIXO Platform Unity SDK > Understanding xAPI > Data Reporting 101 - Actor
Data Reporting 101 - Actor
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The actor is the entity that is performing the action. In our example, the actor would be our user: Jane Doe. In most situations we will run into using Apex, the actor will be the logged in user. This is so common that the Pixo plugin sets the actor property to the logged in user by default and you will rarely, if ever, need to override it.


For reference though, here is a basic actor object as it might appear on Apex:


"actor": {

   "mbox": "mailto:[email protected]",

   "name": "Jane Doe"



At its simplest, an actor object only requires an mbox property, however because we typically have  user name information available, we generally include that in the statement we generate for Apex as well.

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