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Data Reporting 101 - Verb
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The verb in an xAPI Statement describes the action the actor took, and is usually in the past tense. You can choose any verb you like, though it's worth it to spend some time considering how you want to implement verbs across your library of modules. For example if you have several modules where a user needs to pick up a tool, it's more consistent if all of those modules used "picked_up" as the verb, as opposed to one using "picked_up", another using "grabbed" and a third using "took".


The xAPI specification dictates that you use Internationalized Resource Identifiers, or IRIs when defining the id property of your verbs, though this is not enforced by Apex. You can learn more about IRIs at the Devlin Peck website, or any other in depth tutorial about xAPI.


For the purposes of our example we are reporting that the user (or actor) has chosen a harness, so a simple xAPI representation of that verb could be:





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